Journal de Bord (reading log):  Reading can only improve if students practice their reading skills.... no different than soccer, hockey, dance... or any other skill that is learned for that matter.  Last week, I introduced the Reading Log to the students.  We reviewed the expectations for French Language Arts.  The three components are:  Speaking, Reading and Writing.  The expectation for reading is to have students read a minimum of 10 books (in gr. 4) or 15 books (in gr. 5) per reporting session.  We will use class time and home reading time to reach our goal.  The students will be recording their titles in a little booklet that we have prepared in class.  The students should be taking out a French book (appropriate for their reading level) weekly from our school library (library time is Monday afternoon).  I will also introduce the students to Tumble books, a subscription that Sherwood Park has taken for this school year.  They will have access to French and English books online (although French titles are more limited than English titles!!).  I encourage you to sit with your child and explore this website to familiarize yourself (and your child) with how to navigate through it.  I would request that you have your child record the title of the French book they have read online (in their agenda), along with the author name and then sign beside the title to let me know that they have completed the book.  They can then record the information in their Reading Log in class.   
I hope this helps students practice their reading skills to get a sense of success in improving their French reading skills.  I would appreciate any questions or feedback that may arise from this subscription.
                                              Your child will have the user name and password in their agenda