This term we will be learning about habitats with a focus on Owls. A representative from the Orphaned Wildlife Rehablititation Society will be visiting with our class on October 25 at 10:00 am. The representative will bring Owls and the children will enjoy a very up close and personal type experience with the Owls. There is a small fee for this exciting presentation, I will be asking for you to send this in soon.
9/30/2012 11:34:28 am

Dear my favorit teachers I like science...

10/21/2012 08:36:10 am

Can't wait it' s tomorrow!!!Yay!

10/25/2012 08:35:37 am

the owls were in the music room today. Snoopy is ADORABLE!!!!Nellie was AWESOME!!!!!!!! :) Today I learned that the peregrine falcon is a tiny bit slower than a JET PLANE!!!!


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