We started the day organizing our DDLS binders and students got their first sheet of assignments for this week.  If you don't know what this is about, please make sure to reread the gr. 4/5 parent information letter that I emailed a few weeks back... if you also check the class website topic "Gr. 4/5 Div. F03", DDLS is a  subtopic that you can check out.
This is really a work in progress.  The amount of organization skills and logistics involved can be quite demanding for students.... I would say that a few kids take to this type of organization quite easily and then for some others, it is an ongoing work in progress.... taking it  one step at a time!  Remember that learning (and being organized) is a life long goal!!!  =)

This morning, the students were given their work sheets to put in their binder, they were given time to read the assignment explanation sheet and to highlight important information and dates.  They were also given time to begin to plan their homework tasks in their agenda.  That is the really challenging bit.  At this time, they may very much need parent support through this process. If you can sit down with them tonight and review DDLS, the assigned tasks and help them plan tasks throughout the week in their agenda, that would be great!!!   Make sure to email if you or your child have questions to avoid feeling frustrated and upset....

What a wonderful opportunity we had today, thanks to Mr. Lewis.  He organized a presentation at our school with Ocean Concrete.

Our wonderful volunteers helped us prepare the apple sauce that we needed to make our apple butter the next day.  (It took 12 hours of slow cooking!!!)  Hands were busy coring and chopping in small groups while the rest of the class explored lines and patterns to decorate their drawing notebook.
We had a gourmet tasting on the following day (once our apple butter was ready).  On the menu was the suggested healthy snack:  rice cracker, seed butter and apple butter  (this happens to be one of Nancy's favourite power snacks!!)
Students were also able to taste chunky apple sauce and smooth apple sauce !!  It felt like a real taste of autumn....
Paige Sharpe's Mum Anne Millerd will be the PAC parent representative for Div. F03 for the 2012/13 school year.  Her job is mainly to support the PAC in distributing emails.  In addition, she enjoys helping the parents to thank the teachers in December and June.   Feel free to email Anne to ask any clarifying questions or introduce yourself when she is picking up her daughters from Sherwood Park.  Her email address will be on the first class PAC email most likely later on this month.